The Man, The Myth, The Legend: SANDIP MOIRA

The Legends of the man, Sandip Moira

Photo: Sayan Misra

From our twitter handle, we often post threads on ex and current players and sometimes about our transfer targets and other things; but today's thread is a little special and personal for me.

People who follow our facebook page 'I proudly hate east bengal'; they mainly followed us for our Content, where we used to post some cartoons and memes, which sometimes even some East Bengal fans used to appreciate.

Sandip Moira was the man behind this.
I will try to attach few meme's for reference! 

Now, if you've watched these memes, i am pretty sure, atleast few of them are very familiar to you; you must've watched those on facebook few years earlier.

These are made by Moira'da... 

The talented man was a Mohun Bagan fan; many called him 'Narayan Debnath' of Kolkata Maidan for his sense of humour and cartoonist skill-sets.

He was a man of honour; he was staying in Oman for work purposes, but Mohun Bagan was in his heart. He was always vocal against Mohun Bagan's corrupt officials; he was a massive part of Mohun Bagan fan movements like #HokProtibaad (to get corporate investors in the club), #RemoveATK.. 

The man's love to Mohun Bagan can be an inspiration to many! People often criticized him as he was vocal against the officials of Mohun Bagan, but now they too realise why this man was anti-Mohun Bagan officials.

Moira da attended the Mohun Bagan - Aizawl FC match at Kalyani in 2020 where Mohun Bagan won the league for the 5th time. After that covid came, and along with covid, a chronic disease affected him.

He fought, because giving up is never an option for any Mariner. 

But, sometimes somethings are not in our control.

We lost the man last year on 13th August.

He couldn't see that his brothers and sisters have won another battle and finally Removed ATK; but he would be very happy knowing this.

As ATK is officially removed and the managed has announced they are renaming the club to Mohun Bagan SG; i thought this was the best time to give my tribute to this man, whom I looked upto;

Moira da is an inspiration, and he always will be. 

I learnt how to make memes, i learnt how to do 'Lota-Troll'
He showed me how to love Mohun Bagan, he showed me how to make a completely unknown boy a part of his family.

Sandip Moira is my idol;
Sandip Moira is Our idol.

He will forever remain a part of us and he will forever remain a part of that Mohun Bagan gallery 😊



  1. Tarader desh a bhalo theko SANDIP🙏🙏🙏

  2. Still cant believe Moira da is no more.

  3. I am lucky that I got the chance to be with! You are a vibe which is still with be and always will be with me.

  4. He was a man with Golden heart. He always treated me like his younger brother. He was my first Guru in the company we both worked together in Kolkata. I remember back in 2005, I was an outsider young teenager in Kolkata and I was assigned as an assistant to work with Moira da. He taught me everything that he could. Apart from the work, he taught me to read and speak Bangla. He was like an elder brother to me♥️. We all miss you Moira Da. May your soul rest in peace 🙏🙏

  5. We won dada, I hope you are watching our victory from heaven

  6. ভালো থেকো দাদা।। আবার মোহনবাগানী হয়ে ফিরে এসো। মা মোহনবাগানের যোগ্য সন্তান তুমি।

  7. আগামীতে আবার সবুজ মেরুন হৃদয় নিয়েই এসো, ময়রা দা


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